Public Notice
CVTC is updating their Transportation TIP. This document is available for review by emailing Public review will be open from January 15 to February 15.
CVTC Affordable Housing Vacancy
We currently have a one, three-bedroom unit available for rent in our Affordable Rental Housing Program for eligible low-income Alaska Natives and/or American Indians. Rental rates are based on income. If you are interested, please complete the Affordable Housing Application attached below or we can mail applications upon request. For additional questions, please contact Helen Carroll,…
Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax Gha Ahtna Kenaege’ (CVTC Department Names in Ahtna)
This video was created to hear the Ahtna names for the Chickaloon Village Departments. These values represent the strong character of a whole and healthy community. The words are based on Ahtna values and language that was taught by Elder Jeanie Maxim, Gulkana Village. Kari Shaginoff recorded and learned the Ahtna values from Jeanie Maxim….