Climate changes are occurring in our neighborhood! The Climate Resiliency program works to identify what local residents value about living in this area, and how climate changes may threaten those important aspects of life.
Our climate resiliency work is guided by a Tribal Climate Adaptation Advisory Team consisting of Tribal citizens and academic scientists. The team is working to identify values and threats, and then identify and implement solutions to benefit Tribal citizens and the community.
CVTC Climate Resiliency Vision Statement:
Chickaloon Native Village has maintained a mutually beneficial relationship between the people, the land, and the animals since time immemorial, as described in our language and conveyed through our stories. We envision a future with flourishing ecosystems and social networks, rooted in Tribal values of care for the people and the environment. We will continue to walk in a good way, preserving the world around us, sharing our land stewardship wisdom, and helping all community members to thrive and adapt to the changes to come.
For more information on this climate resiliency program contact Kendra Zamzow at 907.745.0749.