Our nine (9) member Traditional Council and Traditional Government, currently operates twelve (12) departments: Accounting, Administration, Ahtna Language & Culture Lifeways, Culture & Historic Preservation, Education, Environmental Stewardship, Facilities & Housing, Health & Social Services, Information & Technology, Justice - Traditional Tribal Courts, Justice - Tribal Police, and Transportation to serve the needs of Chickaloon Native Village Tribal citizens and another estimated 5,000+ Alaska Native and Native American Peoples living in our jurisdictional service area, as well as community members living in Glacier View, Chickaloon, Sutton, Palmer, and Butte.
If you are interested in serving as a member of the Traditional Council, please reach out to Lisa Wade or Serena Martino to learn more. We currently have openings available.

Gary Harrison, Traditional Chief and Chairman
Chief Gary Harrison was elected to the Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC) in 1984 and named Traditional Chief of Chickaloon Native Village (CNV) in 1994. Chief Gary is the longest standing member of the Council. Over the past 39 years, Chief Gary has served courageously in various leadership roles in support of the sovereign rights of all Indigenous Peoples. This includes helping craft the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations and another declaration for the Organization of American States. Under Chief Gary’s guidance, CVTC as a sovereign nation has thrived inspiring indigenous communities around the world.
Most notably, Chief Gary helped found the Sovereign Network, United Tribes of Alaska, International Environmental Network, and is one of the original founders of the Arctic Athabascan Council. Arctic Athabascan Council became one of the six permanent participants of the Artic Council. The permanent participants are the indigenous peoples of the Arctic Council. Chief Gary was elected as a two-time Chair of Indigenous Peoples Secretariat at the Arctic Council. Chief Gary currently serves as a Board Member for the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Southcentral Foundation’s Benteh/Nuutah Joint Operating Board, Chickaloon Moose Creek Native Association, Inc. and on several advisory committees. Past service includes serving as a Board Member for Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc., and as an advisor of the Justice Programs Council on Native American Affairs for The United States Department of Justice Tribal Justice Advisory Group.
As CVTC’s Traditional Chief and Chairman, Chief Gary continues to bring a passion and enthusiasm for promoting quality health services and advocating for community and economic development projects for all Alaska Native peoples benefitting the communities of Glacier View, Chickaloon, Sutton, Palmer, and beyond.

Rick Harrison, Elder / Vice-Chair - Taltsiine Clan
Rick Harrison is a returning member to Chickaloon Village Traditional Council after serving as a Council Member for much of the last two decades. Rick has also previously served the Tribal Government as the Director of Health & Social Services and as the Executive Director. Rick serves on numerous boards and committees in service to Alaska Native Peoples including the Benteh/Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center Joint Operating Board and the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Tribal Interior Budget Council (TIBC).

Rain (Larraine) Wade, Elder / Secretary - Udizyu Clan
I have always been part of the Chickaloon Tribe. My mother, Katie Wade, Clan Grandmother, taught me the Ahtna Values and stories as a child. When the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA) was proposed, I became involved in the corporate and governmental aspects that brought about, along with my cousins and other relatives. I was on the earliest Council, taking notes and typing them on a very loud typewriter. Most recently, I have been working in our Tribal Historic Preservation Office as an Elder Cultural Interpretive Guide, sharing our stories and cultural history. I enjoy meeting with our wonderful staff members, and especially spending summer in nature.

Cheryl Sherman / Treasurer - Udzisyu Clan
Cheryl Sherman is the granddaughter of Tribal citizen Janet Daniels, and daughter of Michele Wood. Cheryl joined the Council and has been chairing the Culture & History Committee and other ad hoc committees as assigned. Cheryl works for the Anchorage School district as a Cultural Enrichment Specialist. Cheryl appreciates the opportunity to serve our family and is always one of the first family members to pitch in and help during potlatches.

Philip Ling / Member - Taltsiine Clan
Philip Ling, the grandson of Tribal citizen Jack Corey and the son of Ingrid Ling, is a dedicated Tribal Citizen, working for Chickaloon Village Traditional Council (CVTC) as the Traditional Tribal Court Director, while also serving on the Traditional Council, as the Vice-Chair. In addition, Philip serves on the Life House Advisory Committee Health Council, as a member on the Valley Native Primary Care Center Joint Operating Board, is a Cook Inlet Tribal Council Board Director, and has been working for the University of Alaska Anchorage, in Alaska Native Studies, as an Adjunct Professor.
Phil has devoted the last 8 years to the Ahtna Language Department, Health & Social Services Department, and now, the Traditional Tribal Court. Philip holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science with a Major in Healthcare Administration from ECPI University. He recently graduated from the National Tribal Trial College with a Certificate in Legal Court Advocacy. He now plans to pursue a Juris Doctorate in order to Practice Law and to move Chickaloon’s Judicial System forward. Philip has demonstrated respect, mindfulness, adaptability, humility, and has shown a strong sense of leadership. Looking ahead, Philip strives to see the Tribe continue to grow and work towards self-sufficiency and with the ultimate goal of, ‘helping our citizens to thrive’.

Doug Wade, Elder / Member - Udzisyu Clan
Doug was seated on the Traditional Council in 2002 and was the Council Chairman 2004 – 2012. Doug is also a member of the Finance Committee. Doug leads with confidence, charisma, and a fantastic sense of humor. Doug spent much of his life working as an electrician on large and small projects and as a heavy equipment operator, experience that frequently sends the staff his way, when they are in need of advice on a construction/building project. Doug cares deeply for all the staff, Tribal and non-Tribal, and makes the time in his busy schedule to check in with all of them about their work on a regular basis. Doug has also been instrumental in helping to streamline council meetings so more work is accomplished in less time.

Emily Ling / Member - Taltsiine Clan
Emily Ling, the granddaughter of Jack Corey and daughter of Ingrid Ling, was born and raised in the Matanuska Valley. While growing up as a child, her mother, Ingrid Ling, was the Health & Social Services Director for Chickaloon Village Traditional Council. During this time, Emily attended the Ya Ne Dah Ah School, which would later play a part in inspiring her to return to serve CVTC.
As an adult, Emily began her own career with CVTC as an Advocate Driver for the Health & Social Services Department, then later began serving our family as a Council Member. During this time, Emily would earn a degree in graphic design, that she now uses to help benefit CVTC. Emily currently chairs the Ya Ne Dah Ah Parent and Endowment Committees as well as the Emergency Response Work Group. As a Council Member, Emily is trusted as a steward of our cultural values and protecting our way of life; as well as building a better future for the Tribe and future generations.