Our CVTC team brings individuals from diverse backgrounds with varied experiences together to work toward a common mission of helping our citizens and communities to thrive. We are inspired by our shared values and the difference we make working together collectively.
To view a current job announcement, simply click on the link(s) below to view the job(s) you're interested in. To apply for a position, from the job announcement link, simply click "apply for this job" button to the right. Please contact Jennifer Woodward, Human Resources Manager at employment@chickaloon-nsn.gov or (907) 745-0749 if you have any questions. Tsin'aen (Thank you) for your interest in our employment opportunities.
If you are interested in volunteering, complete and return a Volunteer Form and return via email to employment@chickaloon-nsn.gov or fax to the attention of Jennifer Woodward at (907) 745-0709. Please indicate what department or program you are interested in working with along with a description of your skills and abilities. Your time and dedication is appreciated. Tsin'aen.