Bac’ehwdetniis - Hard work (This is an Ahtna value for always doing your best work and working hard at whatever you do.)
21117 E Meyers Avenue, Sutton, Alaska 99674
Phone (907) 745-0854 Fax: (907) 745-0763
Brian Winnestaffer
Transportation Director
Our mission is to provide the safest, most efficient transportation infrastructure for the Tribe, our citizens, and the public. This includes FHWA’s mission of enhancing mobility through innovation, leadership, and public service.
- Safety: Continually improve transportation safety.
- Mobility & Productivity: Preserve, improve, and expand the tribal highway transportation system while enhancing the operation of transportation systems and intermodal connectors.
- Global Connectivity: Promote and facilitate a more efficient tribal, domestic, and global transportation system that enables economic growth.
- Environment: Protect and enhance the natural environment and communities affected by transportation development.
- Organizational Excellence: Advance the Tribal ability to manage for results and innovation.
2024/25 Current Projects
- Planning for future culvert projects with the Environmental Stewardship Department is underway on Premier Creek and other tributaries of the Matanuska River.
- Maintenance: Deferred maintenance on much of our equipment is being carried out as time permits.
- Future Shop relocation in the works.
- Utility scale solar panel farm installation in Sutton
Alternative Energy Solutions
We continue to seek funding for the development of cooperative green energy projects with local energy providers. CVTC has been awarded funding to build a utility scale solar panel farm in the Sutton area. We have been awarded a 2 year climate pollution reduction planning grant from the EPA and are using this to guide our future endeavors.
Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) - Chickaloon Villages’ Transportation Department has begun to upgrade existing roads/trails, construct new roads/trails, and do road/trail maintenance in our service area per TTP program guidelines.
Transit - Through a Federal Transit Authority (FTA) Bus and Operating grant Chickaloon Native Village has an established public transit service known as Chickaloon Area Transit System (CATs). CATs operates Monday through Friday within our service area from MP 70 to MP 40 of the Glenn Highway. CATs is a demand responsive transit system with handicap access that is available to all residents in our service area as dates, times, and seating are available. CATs connects to Valley Transit for rides in their Palmer & Wasilla service area with connections to Anchorage. To schedule a ride please call 907-745-2287 (907-745-CATs).
Chickaloon Area Transit Services (CATS) | Ride Rates as of Oct 1, 2024 |
Adults | $3.00 Per Ride |
Punch Cards (12 Rides) | $30.00 |
Elders (Seniors)/Students | $2.00 Per Ride |
Punch Cards (12 Rides) | $24.00 |
Aviation - CVTC owns a dedicated airport with a 2,000 foot grass runway and an airport reserve area for our Tribal citizens, in conjunction with use by the Bestline Park Subdivision owners. This public airport needs upgraded for easy access as well as someone to maintain it for future use.
Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust (Round 2) Project Update
Chickaloon Native Village (CNV) received $227,761 in funding from the Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust (VDEEMT) for Indian Tribe Beneficiaries. CNV will use this funding to replace a class 8 dump/plow truck in our fleet. We appreciate the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint as we provide services to our community and make the world a better place.
Update: We have taken delivery of the Class 8 Dump/Plow truck and it is currently providing services in the Transportation Department’s maintenance and operations programs.
Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust (Round 3) Project Update
CNV received $217,501 in funding from the VDEEMT for Indian Tribe Beneficiaries. CNV will use this funding to replace 2 class 3-5 dump/plow trucks in our fleet. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint as we provide services to our community and make the world a better place.
CNV has taken delivery of 2 vehicles to replace the class 3-5 dump/plow trucks and they are currently providing services in the Transportation Department’s maintenance and operations programs.
Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Environmental Mitigation Trust (Round 4) Project Update
CNV received $188,588 in funding from the VDEEMT for Indian Tribe Beneficiaries. CNV will use this funding to replace a class 8 semi-truck in our fleet. Again, we appreciate the opportunity to reduce our carbon footprint as we provide services to our community and make the world a better place.
This satisfies the requirements of Paragraph 7 Addendum to Appendix D-3. Please contact if you have any questions. We will attempt to respond to your questions within 10 business days.