Niłkadaaghe’ sdedli - Because of each other, I do something you do something, because of your actions, because of my actions. (We are here for each other and do the best we can for each other.)
16166 N Glenn Highway, Sutton, Alaska 99654
Phone: (907) 745-0700 Fax: (907) 745-0750

Chief of Police Donna Anthony
Tribal Police Department Director
To provide stewardship of Tribal resources, assist during emergencies, maintain culturally respectful close contact with Elders and youth, and provide service to the community.
A safe and healthy community with effective comprehensive justice services; seamless partnership with other agencies, law enforcement departments and courts; and sustainable funding for the Justice Department.
Respect: Helping to ensure that individuals, communities and environments are respected.
Honesty: Acting with the highest level of morale to each community member. Being fair, truthful and sincere.
Education: Providing continuing education for our Elders, youth and community.
Teamwork: Working cohesively with other CVTC departments to achieve elements of our strategic plan. Maintain working relationships with other law enforcement agencies and organizations.
Humor: Using humor to uplift Elder and community member’s spirits when times are difficult.
* Working towards the beautification and safe use of Moose Creek Campground
* Elder Visits and Assistance
* Community Events
* Security Checks
* Educating the Community about Substance and Domestic Abuse
* To ensure sustainable funding for the Justice Department
* Partnering with other Governments, Communities, Agencies and Organizations
* Staff member ID’s and Tribal citizen cards